
Lake District booming, but please book direct with accommodation for the best prices and deals

News coverage of how busy The Lake District has been over the last few weeks is fantastic news for the tourism industry but there are ways that visitors can help keep the local economy moving.

Many people looking for accommodation will 'stumble' upon an Online Travel Agent (OTA), even if they are doing a direct search for a named property, this is because these sites spend literally millions on SEO fees on page ranking. You may even get drawn in by the strapline 'Best Price  Guaranteed' but this probably won't be the case....

All OTAs charge the property a commission (usually between 15-20%) on all bookings, and this money does not stay within the local community, it goes to the big shiny corporate offices abroad. OTAs earn approximately £1million per month, from The Lake District alone. Imagine their global figures. 

Properties somehow have to absorb this cost, so will usually add this on to their direct rates so in fact, it is the visitor that pays this commission, and not the property itself. In order to overcome this the best way, by far is to always book direct with any accommodation provider, be it a guesthouse, hotel, holiday lodge or shepherds hut. The property will be happier as you are dealing with them directly, and you will be happier as you will be saving money, and don't we all want to be doing that?????

Here's hoping to a boom summer and beyond.
