
Knitting Her Way Out of Lockdown!

Simone from our Health and Safety team has made use of her weekends and evenings during lockdown by knitting! She heard the neonatal intensive care unit (NNU) at the James Cook University Hospital Middlesbrough were short of baby hats for prematures babies admitted there so decided to get out her knitting needles and make some.

Babies born prematurely are usually very small and so struggle to regulate their body temperature, making things like knitted hats and booties essentially. Even upon release from the NICU, they’ll still need tiny clothing to help them enter the big world.

Any clothes used need to be boiled washed before being used by another baby and this is not possible with knitted items so there is always a shortage.

Everyone here at We do HR is super proud of Simone for giving up her time to do this and for making such amazing little hats!
