
Is your business website Secure as Standard?

Secure as Standard - that's how Iosys Web Technologies, bespoke web developers based in Windermere build each website or web-app software project.

Drawing comparisons from day to day life, IosysWebTech's MD, Craig Johnson commented on how the tech company's approach to website design and bespoke software development differs from those of its competitors.

If you were to build a house, you'd expect it to have doors, and those doors would have working locks – the locks wouldn't be an optional extra. The same is true of our work.

Every website is secured with SSL security as standard – protecting and encrypting the flow of data between the users' browser and server.

Each mailbox is provided with state-of-the-art spam filtering as standard – drastically reducing the amount of junk that appears in a user's inbox.

We host all our websites and software development projects on our own dedicated servers, located in UK data centres. We don't use substandard shared servers as is very often the case with our competitors.

Every website is backed up at numerous points during the day and replicated to redundant failover servers.

To bolster our security offering, new for 2022, all our managed websites and software applications are now protected by CloudFlare – a global network security service which proactively protects websites from potentially malicious traffic whilst at the same time providing performance enhancements.

All these security features are fully inclusive within our managed service offering, services that are chargeable optional extras with many.

Craig continued, "We're immensely proud of our service, and we genuinely believe that it's second to none in the region. I would urge business owners to take a serious look at their website, other digital assets and cyber security provisions - to be proactive and discuss with our team exactly how we can assist. Waiting until it's gone wrong is too late."
