
Hiking Highs heads to The National Outdoor Expo in March

Hiking highs had an exciting week-end at The Natioanl Running Show at the NEC Birmingham in January, working alongside Mountain Run (our partner company), showing off our Skills Courses and Guiding Services for Walkers and Runners inn the Lake District Fells.

20,000 entrants is what we were told after the week-end, no wonder it was so full on! The Team, Charlie Nic & Tony, had folk to chat to all day long, and Nic had a queue throughout the show to be measured up for Leki Nordic Walking and Running Poles!

All good fun when inspiring folk to take that step further into the hills, when it is also sharing your own passion.  Our estimation is numbers were about 1/3 less than in 2019, but the conversion will be better, reduced numbers allowed a good amount of time to chat to folk about what we really do, and get an understanding of what each person would like to learn.  The  2019 show was somewhat crazy without time to actually talk to folk... so numbers don't always mean conversion to courses!  Great sales on poles at the show too, which as a small business helps with the cost of the stand.

We have been approached by Racoon Events, who own The Running Show and the Outdoor Expo, (both held at the NEC in Birmingham), to be the pole retailer at The National Outdoor Expo... take a look There will be stand, and exhibits, and talks and all things outdoor! 

So... Yes... we accepted their offer of a stand! Come and see us on 19th or 20th March... tickets £10
