
Hiking Highs joins another Cumbriashare member, The Ravensworth, to offer Walking Breaks

Hiking Highs are super excited to be collaborating with The Ravensworth for our Windermere Way 4 day walking holiday.

The Ravensworth has kindly offered to hold 2 blocks of dates for 2 groups of walkers (April & September).  We only take private groups, and our prices are based on min 6 walkers.  

If you would be keen to bring your friends on this amazing route just get in touch for our dates and prices.  Working with other independents in our area is what we are all about.

There could be avenues to take your team on this journey and treat each walking day independently, building the route over, say for example, 4 weeks or 4 months?  We are open to team building ideas, anything is possible to inspire your team.

The 'journey' of Windermere is described below for your interest and is lifted form the Hiking Highs website.

Enjoy 4 days Fell Walking to complete a clockwise tour of England’s largest lake taking in breath taking views from the top of 6 Lakeland Fells, completing 45 miles of varied terrain. Days include a glorious journey along the Windermere lakeshore, amongst the flora, fauna and birdlife, as well as forest walking, easy pasture and rugged fell tops. The route heads from Windermere, into the Winster Valley, over to the southern tip of the Lake. With a day off in the middle, days 2 & 4 we will guide you up the side of Lake Windermere via 2 fells along the way with views to the Langdale fells as you walk. The final day’s walking is from Ambleside returning to Windermere, with views over towards Helvellyn, High Street & Kentmere ridgelines.

We deliver our Windermere Way Holiday over 5 days, giving a day off in the middle to give you time to enjoy other Lake District treasures.

Walk Distances…

  • Day 1: 20km & 850m ascent
  • Day 2: 13km & 560m ascent
  • Day 3: Day Off
  • Day 4: 22km & 950m ascent
  • Day 5: 16km & 850m ascent

Contact Nicola for details: 07976 949488