
Hello to Cumbriashare businesses

Good morning everyone,

I wanted to take the opportunity to say hello to all of our new Cumbriashare partners. We are new to Cumbriashare having joined just last week.

My name is Paul Aisthorpe and I have operated as a Business Coach and Mentor since 2013 after a long career in Banking, Hospitality and Foodservice supply chain which ended after 9 years in two Director roles growing a large SME supplying caterers nationally. 

My first business since leaving Corporate and Large SME, Imaginative Coaching was borne out of a passion for supporting other business owners grow and become more successful. My career had included CIPD qualifications in training and development which led to some coaching courses and a natural coaching/mentoring style to working with my team. 

I also found the skills very transferrable when working with suppliers on new development projects, especially those smaller ones who looked for advice on compliance (my first Directorship included compliance and ISO quality management). 

So, I moved into supporting other businesses on a one-to-one and small group basis working on growth strategies, leadership, and team development.  I have personally worked with over 150 clients in 20 different sectors. 

Fast forward a few years and the name has changed but the principles and values haven't. The direction has changed slightly and over the years I have developed amazing relationships with other like-minded business people who have become associates. If you have the chance to look at our website, you will see a diverse range of people who compliment my skill-set and definitely add value to what we offer. 

Due to our own growth and future plans, we will be recruiting later this year and early into 2022. 

Nowadays, we work with small to large SME's across the North West and Public Sector bodies to deliver powerful, impactful programmes of growth-related support with coaching, mentoring and facilitated learning.

We have approved status for National and Regional funded programmes like Peer Networks in Lancashire and Cumbria.

Our aim is to continue to develop programmes that meet business owners needs collaborating where necessary with public sector and funding bodies, whilst always focusing on our core values. 
