
Our partnership with Cumbria LEP

We are delighted to announce our new partnership with Cumbria LEP, having been awarded a contract to deliver a cohort of Peer Networks in Phase 2. 

From September 2020 through to March 2021 we successfully delivered four cohorts of the, then new pilot programme of Peer Networks for Boost Business Lancashire (Growth Hub) and funded by BEIS and the UK Government. 

Here are a couple of inspiring moments from participants:

When asked:

What benefits can programmes like this bring to the local and regional business and economy? James from Printing Plus (Morecambe and Kendal) said:

"It is a great networking opportunity, listening to other people’s challenges and opportunities – some of which you have never thought of can bring light bulb moments as you learn how you can implement other people’s ideas within your own organisation."

and similarly when asked:

How is your experience of Peer Networks, so far, and how are you/your business benefiting? Hannah from Mpirical, Lancaster said:

"The sessions have been absolutely brilliant.  I have been amazed at how a group of seemingly random people from different industries and backgrounds, and in different stages of their careers, can experience the same or similar business issues.  I have been in awe at the level of honesty and the candor that have surrounded our discussions.  There is great respect amongst the team and a bond quickly made between many.

From a business level, the sessions have sparked some excellent ideas and real food for thought that has been taken back and actioned upon in the business.  On a personal level I have learned so much about myself, in particular how I interpret and tackle problems, but also about my own personality and what strengths that brings to a business environment."

We are pleased to bring our version of Peer Networks to Cumbria businesses working on a theme of "Developing an Intrapreneurial and Innovation led Culture".

If you have a growing business, with the teams working remotely, new management roles borne out of the lack of time and the need for support. Then this Peer Networks programme could be for you.

Have you grown a successful business based on your entrepreneurial gift for seeing an opportunity in the marketplace and now see the need for ideas coming from within the business and not just from you? Then this could be the programme for you.

Does your business feel a little out of control because of recent events, people working remotely and what seems like a lack of "togetherness"? Then this could be the programme for you.

There are many other good reasons why business owners and senior leaders would benefit from joining our group. Look out for an on-line event soon where we will be discussing the programme in more depth and where we will invite you to come along and find out more. 
