
Gain access to Skype users who can contact your business for free

In the past, businesses have paid thousands of pounds to use a freephone number which they have hoped would attract clients not wanting to pay for the call. In practise this has worked quite well, but changes in technology has reduced the effectiveness of freephone numbers.

Today, with the advent of technology platforms such as Skype, WhatsApp, Teams and Facebook Messenger, it is important for businesses to be contactable in some way although it is usually impossible to cover all the bases.

For those of our clients who have moved their telephony service to Microsoft Teams, they were delighted to discover, they now have access to millions of Skype users who can contact them using Chat, Voice and Video at no cost to the caller, effectively a free call.

If you are reviewing the telephony services used across your organisation, it is worth considering how existing and prospective clients are going to communicate in the future.

 If you would like further information on how Microsoft Teams can benefit your business, contact me at, via email or Skype ?
