
Napthens launch weekly Bitesize Briefings

  • Looking to learn something new?
  • Short on time?
  • Ready for some FREE training on a topic of interest to you?

Our Bitesize Briefings are taking place on Wednesdays 12.30pm starting from 24 February.

Lasting around 45 minutes including time for questions, these sessions will be run via Zoom and hosted by our specialist lawyers.

Our Bitesize Briefings are taking place on Wednesdays 12.30pm starting from 24 February.

Lasting around 45 minutes including time for questions, these sessions will be run via Zoom and hosted by our specialist lawyers.

We’re covering a variety of topics, so whether you personally want to understand the role of an Executor, get up to date on GDPR for your business or want to find out about Joint Venture Agreements, book on to the session that suits you.

24 February – Data Protection update – BOOK HERE

3 March – Being an Executor – BOOK HERE

10 March – Anti-bribery/Modern Slavery update – BOOK HERE

17 March – Company Reorganisations and de-mergers – BOOK HERE

24 March – Commercial landlords/tenants update: break clauses, rent deferments, holidays – BOOK HERE

14 April – Being a Trustee – BOOK HERE

21 April – Reviewing your T&Cs and standard contracts – BOOK HERE

28 April – Shareholders agreements and articles of associations – BOOK HERE

5 May – Commercial landlords/tenants update: dilapidations – BOOK HERE

12 May – Attorneyships and Deputyships – BOOK HERE

19 May – Business growth: distribution, agency, licensing and franchise – BOOK HERE

26 May -Managing funder in commercial property transactions – BOOK HERE

9 June – Incentivising employees: share option schemes – BOOK HERE