
Earn Money From Being Asked "How Do You Do X?"

Are you a corporate trainer, coach or business owner?

The reason I ask you is that in the past few months my business has made a dramatic turn and it could benefit you.

Last year Skills Shop was an in-person health and safety training company and then the global crisis happened.

Within 4 weeks I had transformed our Conflict Management training into an online course.

Since January I've been asked by other professionals "how did you get your courses online so quickly?"

I can't lie...

Having a tech background certainly helped which is why I've created on Online Course Hosting Platform for the technophobes.

So if you are constantly being asked "How do you...." why not turn it into an online course?

Our system involves a simple 3 step process:

1: Subscribe to a Skills Shop hosting plan.

2: Submit your course information and materials so we can set-up and stock your very own Skills Shop.

3. Share your Skills Shop link to your target customers and start selling creating a passive income stream.

For more information please visit
