
Cloud telephony service PhoneLine+ launched to support Sole Traders and Macro-businesses ahead of the PSTN switch off in 2025.

The legacy, public-switched telephone network is being turned off, so to keep your phone and your number working you need to move to the new network, where voice calls are delivered using the same infrastructure as data, using VoIP (Voice over Internet Protocol) technology. If you already have a broadband service then it is likely that it will be able to support PhoneLIne+, keeping disruption to a  minimum.

As a small business owner you know that your phone number is essential to your business and you have invested a lot into it over time. Known to your existing customers and widely advertised to attract new ones, to be without it is unimaginable.

PhoneLine+ has been specifically designed to replace your traditional landline service, using VoIP technology to deliver voice calls over the broadband network, all at a highly competitive price.

PhoneLine+ can be accessed on a choice of devices including computers, tablets, mobile phones and IP handsets, or we can provide an adaptor for your current phone, so there is no need to invest in new equipment unless you want to.

It supports all the key features expected of a traditional telephone line including voicemail, call divert and call hold, but without paying more, PhoneLine+ provides extra features designed to make your life easier.

Getting started

Sign-up, create a password and download PhoneLine+ to your device of choice.

Start making and receiving calls and managing your customer experience.

Manage more than one number

With PhoneLine+ you can have more than one phone number per subscriber, so you can choose to use dedicated numbers for different functions. This means that you can anticipate the reason for the call and answer accordingly, giving the impression of being a bigger business.

Key features

PhoneLine+ offers all the key features of a traditional telephone line including Voicemail, Call Divert, Call Hold, Contact Directory, Call Transfer, Call Forwarding and Number Withholding.

Out of hours

With PhoneLine+ you can set your Out of Hours profile for every day of the week, and you can have an Out of Hours message that is specifically for when you are closed rather than unable to answer a call.


Use the built-in reporting to see your call patterns and usage trends, check that calls are being answered in your absence, and monitor progress against your goals which could include optimising your availability. Reports can be filtered by time period, users and numbers, or you can create and download a report to suit a specific need.

So if you currently use a fixed telephony service or run your business from a mobile phone, reducing your brand by promoting a mobile number, take a look at PhoneLine+

To find out more visit

We currently have a three month trial of PhoneLine+, check out the Offers section of the Cumbriashare website.
