
Check your passport

I've got lots of lovely clients getting ready to go off on their much awaited holidays over the next few weeks. I'll be letting them have any entry requirements for their destinations, and I'll be preparing all their travel documents.

This is where they are heading to in the next few weeks:
Cyprus, San Francisco & Hawaii, Tuscany, Venice, Switzerland, Mediterranean cruise, Canada, Corfu, Austria & Oberammergau, Boston & Maine, Barcelona, Algarve

I'm starting to get enquiries now for later this year, Xmas & New Year and even some clients are wanting to book ahead for 2023 before prices inevitably increase.

When a client books with me for the first time, I always ask them to send me a copy of their passport pages. Why? I upload their details to the airline, and check them in at the appropriate time. I also advise them if their passports have sufficient validity on them and they receive an automatic reminder to renew their passports 9 months ahead of time.

Don't be caught out - if your passport has been stuck in a drawer for the past 2 years, and you have an overseas holiday coming up in the summer, take out your passport now, and check the expiry date. Especially if you're going to Europe, you have to take the expiry date as exactly 10 years from the passport start date, and you need to have at least 3 months remaining on your passport at time of travel. If your passport was issued prior to 2018, you may have had additional months added - these extra months no longer count for travel in the EU/Schengen area.

Getting a new passport in good time is cheaper than losing your holiday. Oh, and if your passport is water damaged, you'll need to replace it.
