
All Moves Are Emotional

This is an emotional one…
This beautiful house was sold to a family in 2014 and it was almost derelict. The husband’s job relocated and the wife being supportive, packed their lives away into neat boxes and did what was needed.
The young children embraced the adventure and the family moved.
8 years on and the home is ready to accept its new family. The walls could tell stories of rows over lime pointing (she was right as this woman is awesome!) the windows will remember small faces peering out looking for Father Christmas on Christmas Eve. The lawns will look back at lazy days spent with the family enjoying the sunshine. The kitchen island will laugh at the good times spent with friends drunkenly talking until the small hours.
A house sale isn’t just a commodity, it’s memories and love that has passed through the doors. I now know this along with my clients, this is my home and it’s time to say goodbye and hello to a new chapter.
If your Estate Agent doesn’t understand the emotions behind a decision to move then maybe you should look for one that does.
Goodbye beautiful Wayside, you have done the family proud and we thank you for looking after us the way that we have looked after you.