
New to Cumbriashare!

Just Company is a new member of Cumbriashare so I thought it would be good to introduce ourselves!

We have been running for just over 4 years. We set up the company from idea born from frustration.

Fran’s Aunty Gill who was living alone on a houseboat in Glasson Dock. She has slight memory issues, but she was nearly 80yrs. She had a fall and ended up in hospital with a broken leg and the discovery of bowl cancer.

After an operation with a general anaesthetic her family discovered that her memory issues and exasperated meaning she could no longer live on her own.

She moved away from her friends to Norfolk to be close to her son who had a wife, young children, and a fulltime job.

She moved into sheltered accommodation with carers visiting 3 times a day for 20 mins each time.  

The family felt that it was important to go out for a walk or a visit to an art gallery (she was a potter and a sculptor) or just a drive in the countryside to get her outside of her 4 walls.

They looked for a company who could provide this service but could only find care companies. They didn’t want to put a card in a newsagent’s window as they wanted someone who was safe and could be trusted.

Hence Just company was born!

All our companions are enhanced DBS checked and fully insured. We match each client with the same companion so that they can build a relationship and normally have common interests. Although I haven’t found a companion who likes fishing yet!

We arrange for the client to go out on a regular basis and leave them to plan their outings together.

The outings can vary from a drive in the countryside with a cup of tea and cake in a garden centre, a walk in the park, visit to a gallery or museum.

I must admit one of my favourites is afternoon tea at Storrs Hall, they are the only hotel in the lake district that can offer this at lunch time!

Recently I took a client who is 88 yrs. to a hospital check-up. She has no immediate family and a diagnosis of dementia. She was concerned that she would not remember anything. I was able to write everything down in her daily diary so that she can refer to it another time.

 So, sometimes our outings are not just for coffee and a cake! Although we did come back the scenic route and had an ice-cream on Morecambe Prom.

If you know of anyone who you think would benefit from our services, then please ask their family member to get in touch with Fran or Vivienne.

Tel: 07879606636

Visit our website for more information 
