
Brexit and Contracts

Sam Lyon Head of Corporate & Commercial shares another useful tip in a post Brexit world.

Some of the terms in existing contracts may no longer be relevant post-Brexit or may raise legal or practical questions in the future.

If your contracts – e.g. terms of business, sale of goods, employment contracts – make reference to the UK being a member state of the EU or rely on EU regulation, then they may need revising.

Contact your legal adviser and conduct a review of all your contracts and terms.

To help SMEs prepare for Brexit, the UK200Group of which Cartmell Shepherd Solicitors are proud members of, have produced some useful materials including:

Preparing for Brexit: A Guide for SMEs

15point Action Plan

Brexit brings with it many changes, therefore it’s important that you take the necessary actions to protect your business and ensure you can continue to trade.

If you are looking for guidance and advice that is specific to your business and circumstances, please contact Sam on 01228 516634 or click here to send him an email.