
Mental Health in the Workplace


Since the pandemic many of us have experienced changes in the workplace, hybrid working, hot desking and the increased use of virtual meetings.  Undoubtedly this has saved businesses thousands, in one of my previous roles pre pandemic I was needed in London at least 2-3 days per fortnight which meant train journeys, hotels meals etc.  Despite businesses saving money it has negatively impacted employee mental health both in and out of work with reports on burnout, financial wellbeing and work related stress now costing the economy £28 billion pounds annually.  Here are some stats for us to consider as responsible employers.

1) Poor mental health accounts for more than half (51%) of long term sickness due to stress, depression and anxiety

2) Employees are reporting increased workplace intensity and pressure at work with 55% saying work is getting more intense and demanding and 61% say they feel exhausted at the end of the working day. 

3) Deloitte report 64% of managers have considered quitting for a job that would better support their wellbeing

4) 70% of managers cited organisational barriers to supporting staff wellbeing including company policy, heavy workload, unsupportive workplace culture and not being equipped with the right skills. 

5) 1 in 5 UK workers reported feeling unable to manage stress and pressure in the workplace. 

The full article is here on MHFAid website  Ten workplace mental health statistics for 2023 · MHFA England

If you would like to discuss any of this article and how you feel your workplace is supporting staff wellbeing let me know on 07701011977 or 

Published by
Thrive Together Training and Coaching Ltd

Thrive Together Training and Coaching Ltd

Northumberland, Morpeth, Northumberland, NE65

07701 011977

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