
You may be small but you drive the UK economy...

You may be small but you drive the UK economy...

Sole traders, micro and small business can now pay monthly for CSR Accreditation.

There are approximately 5.6 million SMEs in the UK, accounting for over 99% of all UK businesses, 5.3 million of these are micro-businesses with under 10 employees like yours. At CSR-A we recognise that sole traders and micro business are the back-bone of the UK economy.

We recognise how vital you are and the great things you do. We want to provide you with independent validation for your socially responsible activity through our global CSR Accreditation scheme. For this reason we have introduced a monthly payment plan exclusively for sole traders, micro and small business. If your organisation has 20 employees or less then you can pay monthly, spreading the fee across our three year accreditation cycle. In addition to this we have an application process specifically tailored for micro and small business.

Spread the cost and enjoy all the benefits that CSR Accreditation brings...

Better brand recognition: Improve your brand reputation by being responsible throughout your business, in the community and in your supply chain choices.

Positive business reputation: Building a reputation as a responsible business will lead to competitive advantage.

Customer engagement: Engage with your customers in new ways. Talk to your customers about the great things you’re involved with. Some customers don’t just prefer to deal with responsible companies – they insist on it.

Employee engagement: Employees want to feel proud of the organisation they work for and are less likely to look for a job elsewhere. Reduce absenteeism and improve productivity.

Attract & retain talent: Become an employer of choice, boost morale and help everyone feel more connected.

Attract investment: Investors are more likely to be attracted to and continue to support companies that show commitment positively impact the lives of others and inform ESG Reporting where necessary.

Operational cost savings: Show how you are minimising environmental impact, conserving resources, energy and reducing waste all while saving money.

Increase tendering power: Gain advantage in the tendering process when applying for both public and private projects.

PR & marketing: Accreditation provides the opportunity to share positive stories online and through traditional media.

For as little as £22 per month you could be a CSR Accredited company.

For more information on CSR Accreditation please visit: where you can register for FREE now and receive our comprehensive guide to the Four Pillars and your CSR Accreditation application.
