
The Social Supper Club - Ribble Valley - Inaugural Event

Making new friends gets harder as we get older hence the idea behind The Social Supper Club - Ribble Valley. This is a safe place to meet new people over good food and great company.

The main aim of this Social Supper Club is to provide a safe venue, usually in private dining rooms in lovely restaurants around the Ribble Valley. It is a hosted event and Liz and Babs will help introduce you to other guests and generally make you feel at ease.

We are aiming to get guests to meet as many guests as possible and we will move you around after each course so you get to talk to new people.

If you aren't ready to put your feet up then why not come along and try it out.  We will be holding two supper events a month and additional events such as a cocktail making evening or wild swimming, depending on what members want to do. 

We do the organising so you can turn up and just enjoy the event.

Hope to see you there on the 11th August @ 7pm.
