
SupaSave your way to Christmas by supporting local businesses

SupaSave your way to Christmas by supporting local businesses

With Christmas just around the corner, many of us are wondering what this year will be like. With lockdowns limiting our Christmas shopping expeditions and those shielding maybe not being able to spend time with their loved ones, it might be looking bleak for some - especially if your job had been effected by redundancy and furlough.

Vicky Winstanley of social media and IT business, Wins Media, is teaming up with local business SupaSave to help families win Christmas, but also help out the local food bank with donations from SupaSave, the local online grocery retailer supplying Lancaster and Morecambe via the Lancaster and Morecambe Eats Apps.

Speaking about Christmas 2020, Vicky had this to say;

"SupaSave has been working throughout the pandemic and we have seen how it has effected those in the local community. The team at SupaSave would like to show their appreciation to everyone who has supported them, and also help out those less fortunate who might not be able to have the luxury of food and take away deliveries. Many families have needed to gain help from the likes of Eggcup and the local food banks and might be struggling this year more than ever. Over the next few weeks we will be running a series of exciting give aways on our social media page, which anyone from the local area is free to enter. Prizes range from Christmas trees, a turkey, Christmas Hampers and many more. We have tried to gain as many prizes as possible from local businesses to also show our support to others in these difficult times.

We are also going to be running a Buy One - Donate One scheme via SupaSave with various products that the local food bank may be short on this coming season. Every time you purchase a starred item via the Lancaster and Morecambe Eats apps, we will match the purchase of that item and donate it to the food bank in December. We also will have the option for anyone not wanting to accept their prize to donate to the food bank or gift appeal".

SupaSave is based on Willow Lane in a dedicated unit with the sole purpose of delivering convenience goods across the city.

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For more information about the competitions, food drive or to learn more about SupaSave, please contact Vicky Winstanley, Social Media Manager and Director at Wins Media on

If you are a local business who would like to donate a prize, please get in touch as we would be happy to have further support.
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Lancashare !

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01772 921643

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