
Rewards Earth achieve a Silver CSR Accreditation

While prime ministers may come and go CSR-A is here to stay. We are delighted to announce that Rewards.Earth have just achieved an impressive Silver CSR Accreditation.

Congratulations to Jim Holland for a passionate application. Rewards Earth are a close team of environmentalists, animal lovers, walkers and runners. Their objective is Single and Simple:
Make tomorrow better, today, by planting trees across the world and accelerate offsetting carbon produced by human activities, industries and enterprises. Their target is to plant tens of millions of trees in the next five years.

Join Rewards Earth and become CSR Accredited. To register for FREE and receive your guide to CSR Accreditation please visit:

It’s amazing what we are already doing that we don’t talk about. CSR-A provides the perfect opportunity to tell your positive story.

Sustainable and social purpose with profit – the future for successful businesses and organisations

·A Social Responsibility Accreditation will help you, the managing director, business owner or senior executive, set better goals, make better decisions and improve your relationships.

·Deliver a CSR policy and procedures that will improve many business functions, like attracting new talent, improve staff engagement and retention, increase profits and sales and build a better reputation.

·Will give meaning to people’s lives, reduces uncertainty and creates stability and it can also the determinant of the success or failure of an organisation.

·Social Responsibility is an investment in the future sustainability and profitability for organisation.

Can you afford not to be a responsible business.

You are never more than 10 weeks away from being CSR Accredited.

·A Social Responsibility Accreditation will help you, the managing director, business owner or senior executive, set better goals, make better decisions and improve your relationships.

Register NOW
