
Podcast - 'I want to be a more sustainable business – but how much will it cost?’ An Accountant’s perspective

Can you afford to be sustainable? Can you afford NOT to be sustainable? In this new podcast we talk to Triple Bottom Line Accounting, who help clients work towards a future that is more environmentally conscious and socially fair.

The podcast talks about:

  • ·The cost and benefits of becoming a more sustainable business, citing some practical examples
  • ·The legislation affecting businesses either directly or indirectly through the supply chain?  For example – TCFD, Green Claims Code etc and what green finance, grants could businesses take advantage of?
  • ·Are your finances in line with your sustainable vision, objectives and targets? 
  • ·Does your accountant only look backwards? Engage your accountant to have a moreforward looking role.
  • ·How to financially report on the ‘non-financial’ elements of a business strategy (the ESG)?  The longer time frameworks, potential paybacks and measurement (for example good PR)

Hosted by Jennifer Clark of CSR-A, who is joined by Peter and Fran Ellington of Triple Bottom Line, together with Hannah Wooler, from one of their clients, Hudson Architects.
