
Pioneering Social Value Initiatives for a Thriving Lancashire


GGT a dedicated proponent of social value, is leading the way in creating a brighter and more prosperous future for Lancashire. By prioritizing key objectives that encompass employment opportunities, living standards, community support, equity and fairness, and environmental sustainability, GGT is making a significant positive impact on the lives of residents in the region.

As a testament to their commitment, GGT has successfully implemented a range of initiatives that foster social value and community development. The following actions exemplify their dedication to promoting social value in Lancashire:

Promoting training and employment opportunities:

  • With a focus on raising living standards, GGT exclusively employs individuals from the local area.
  • Recognizing the importance of job creation, GGT has recently expanded their team by employing four new members from Lancashire, with additional hires planned for the near future.
  • GGT actively invests in training their staff in various areas, opening up more employment and promotion opportunities, ultimately improving wages and living standards.
  • GGT supports local employment opportunities by urging local suppliers to prioritize hiring within Lancashire, fostering economic growth within the community.
  • Building strong partnerships with local businesses, GGT exclusively uses local service providers for repairs of vehicles, plant equipment, and machinery, further contributing to the local economy.
  • Approximately 70% of GGT's expenditure is allocated within the Lancashire area, encompassing wages, repairs, and supplier relationships. Even projects outside of Lancashire contribute to bringing additional revenue to the region.
  • GGT is committed to annual wage increases for their staff, and recent pay rises have been granted to all team members. Moreover, some employees have transitioned from hourly to salaried positions, providing them with a stable income irrespective of available work.
  • GGT offers support to their staff during challenging times, allowing extended time off with family without any adverse impact on their employment.

Building the capacity and sustainability of the voluntary and community sector:

  • GGT actively contributes to the local community by offering their services for projects such as tree planting. Through engagement with local schools, they provide trees and valuable education on planting and involving children in the process.

Promoting equity and fairness:

  • As a member of the armed forces covenant, GGT encourages the employment of armed forces veterans and currently employs two former military personnel.
  • In order to ensure equitable distribution of resources, GGT diligently monitors and evaluates the impact of their initiatives, identifying areas for improvement and further enhancements.

Promoting environmental sustainability:

  • GGT actively implements recycling and waste reduction programs within the council and encourages local businesses and residents to participate.
  • GGT develops procurement policies that prioritize sourcing materials from sustainable sources, supporting local businesses engaged in environmentally friendly practices.
  • By regularly assessing the impact and effectiveness of their strategies, GGT ensures their efforts align with desired social value outcomes.
  • To improve their carbon footprint, GGT actively seeks and undertakes local contracts, reducing fuel consumption. Additionally, they offer excess trees from contracts to the local community free of charge, offsetting carbon emissions and fostering relationships within the region.

GGT's multifaceted approach to adding social value in Lancashire highlights their commitment to a prosperous, equitable, and sustainable community. Through collaboration, strategic initiatives, and a steadfast dedication to inclusivity, GGT is creating a positive and lasting impact on the lives of residents in the region. By continuously monitoring and evaluating their efforts, GGT ensures the effective addition of social value and drives meaningful change in Lancashire.

Together, let us forge a brighter and more sustainable future for all in Lancashire.

Published by
Grounds, Gardens & Trees Ltd

Grounds, Gardens & Trees Ltd

Lancashire, Poulton-le-Fylde, Lancashire, FY6

01204 5555555

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