
Online quizzers helped to raise £695 for the Bacup Cancer Research UK local committee.


ONLINE quizzers helped to raise £695 for the Bacup Cancer ResearchUKlocal committee.

COVID hit the fundraisers hard as planned events and collections had to be cancelled.

Local committee press secretary Liz Hall from Liz Henson Photography said: “It was our first attempt at an online quiz and we were really pleased to welcome people from as far away as Kendal,Somersetand Leighton Buzzard, as well as all over Rossendale.

“We had 17 teams and everyone donated to take part. There were five online rounds with questions on sport, geography, Christmas and dingbats and a clever music round where a thesaurus had been used to disguise song lyrics.

“I would like to thank everyone who attended and contributed and we hope to have further online events until we can meet again in person. Thanks also to GrowTraffic for providing the Zoom room.”

Published by
Liz Henson Photography

Liz Henson Photography

Booth Road, Lancashire, Lancashire


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