
Marsden Rawsthorn back Buckshaw Business Community Networking!


Why do we network?  Why do we get out of bed, pay a fee, drive to a venue and meet people we've never met before, even when we're really nervous in doing so?

Well, you've heard the old saying - knowledge is power, networking is a great way to develop your contacts, to build relationships, to grow your network, supply chains, find business, promote your brand and share your products and services.  The more we network, the bigger our contact list becomes, the bigger our support network around us is, the easier it becomes to find help and support and of course, referrals.  Word of mouth is probably still the best marketing tool there is, but if you're not 'out there' you can't meet people to spread the 'word' in the first place!

At Marsden Rawsthorn, we've been using the power of networking for many years.  Our clients, our friends, our suppliers, our colleagues are all part of our 'trusted network' and it feels great to have so much support around us.  It's also why we support Buckshaw Business Community Networking, to help provide a platform, venue, advice, information and more to others who need to develop their networks and share information.  

We hold a networking event at Charnock Farm on the first Thursday of every month from 5.30pm to 7.00pm why not join us for our next one? 

Look forward to seeing you at our next networking event which is to be held on the 7th February 2019.

Free food & drink for all attendees to ensure you are fully fuelled and ready to tackle the room head on!

Book your free place at Eventbrite.

Published by
Marsden Rawsthorn Solicitors

Marsden Rawsthorn Solicitors

Faraday Drive, Preston, Lancashire, PR2 9NB

0800 294 4410

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