
Managing Your Emotions When Your Relationship Breaks Down


Experiencing negative thoughts and feelings, even in the most amicable divorces or separations, is not uncommon. With the help and support of a divorce coach, you learn how to navigate the process. Bernadette Willems is an experienced, energetic, transformational Coach, and a Business and Family Peacemaker. She offers  you practical and emotional support, offering strategies and techniques to help manage stress, anxiety and maintain well-being.

In addition, she gives you information as to how you can manage and minimise the terrifying legal costs, which are keeping many couples trapped in marriages they desperately want to end.

Emotions are entwined into all the decisions that divorce brings. A divorce coach acts as a personal mentor throughout the process, helping to separate the emotional issues from the legal ones.

Trying to make sense of all the decisions you have to make when you feel like your world is falling apart can feel overwhelming, especially as you have to carry on being a mother, carer, work colleague or boss. Feelings of fear, uncertainty and anxiety fill your mind. Having someone support you through these rollercoaster emotions will help you find your way through to a new life during and after divorce.

Coaching offers structure at a chaotic time and supports clients in making important decisions with confidence, moving them into a future beyond their unhappiness and uncertainty.

Coaching is designed to help divorce and separating clients find out who they really are and what they really want out of life. Divorce is a stressful and traumatic experience. It is a life-altering change and one of the biggest life transitions a person can experience. 

Whether you wanted the divorce or not, Divorce provides an opportunity to learn and try new methods and strategies. Yes, it is the end of a relationship, but it is also the beginning of a new future. It is time for you to discover who you really are and who you want to be. What would you really love to be, do or have, post-divorce?

Bernadette's motivation is to ensure people lead their best possible life – whether that is freeing them from debilitating disputes or helping them through changes and challenges that occur in life and relationships.

Please join in the conversation as we are hosting a free webinar on Tuesday, 17th August, at 7pm, to discuss issues pertinent to help you get your life back on track. (This webinar will be recorded and all you need to do is register for the event to receive the recording):

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PortfolioExec Ltd

PortfolioExec Ltd

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