
Logma: Increased Productivity paves the way for growth in Worldwide Sales


It has never been so critical for manufacturers of thermal insulation boards to have a failsafe system in place to monitor manufacturing processes. For PCS Ltd (PCS), manufacturer of cement-coated high density polystyrene products for the construction industry worldwide, this system is aided by Logma’s OneFit Software®.

PCS design and manufacture an extensive range of waterproof products for wet rooms, steam rooms and spa structures – both standard and bespoke.  The company’s thermal construction products are ideal for areas such as cellars where a combination of insulation and waterproofing can be provided in one product.  The hard-wearing reinforced cement coating enhances the foam structure, improving its fire resistance, and creates a surface that can be tiled or rendered to the customer’s requirements.

Clear Accountability
OneFit Software® has enabled the UK’s premier manufacturer of thermal construction boards to gain full transparency of its operations & traceability at the touch of a button.

Kay Mullarkey, director at PCS is impressed with the accountability that the OneFit Software® system brings to the whole company.  “From the minute we order the materials, through to delivery, we now know exactly who makes which component, how long it takes, all associated costs and exactly what batch of materials were used. This is absolutely vital in product integrity, and is required for us to be a British Board of Agrément certified company.”

“The Logma team bent over backwards to make sure that the software would be fit for purpose”

Kay continues “Before we installed the software, the Logma team worked extensively with us to ensure that we were building up the right foundations in order for OneFit to deliver what we needed.  We didn’t always know exactly what we needed, but the Logma team bent over backwards to make sure that the software would be fit for purpose. OneFit has enabled me to account for our costs, wastage of product, time efficiency, the profitability of each department and so much more.”

“OneFit has enabled me to account for our costs, wastage of product, time efficiency, the profitability of each department and so much more”

Looking at some of the bespoke installations that PCS produce, it is clear that there is a wealth of innovation and expertise in their workforce.  “It took some of our experienced operatives a while to get used to the new processes” continues Kay “but the benefits are clear.  As well as knowing who did what, we are also gaining efficiencies in manufacturing - providing the business with a clear path forward to future growth.”

And it’s not just the Manufacturing team that benefit, the Sales team are saving time on quotes by using the OneFit Software® to assess the PCS board elements required, rather than having to go separately to the different departments.  This gives them more quality time with their customers, and less time on administration tasks – something that appeals to most sales professionals.
Having experienced the benefits that the Logma team have brought to their business, Kay is looking forward to adding the next module – OneFit Financials.  “We wanted to see how OneFit worked for us first, and I can wholeheartedly say that I would recommend it to anyone – in fact I already have!”
