
Isolation Relaxation - Day Two is my top 7 tips to help you relax


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Bad news… you are 40% more likely to die if you have experienced a high level of stress over the last 12 months (spoiler that’s all of us)

Good news… if you learn to relax and master your stress you completely reverse that risk.

Even better news, we can all learn how to manage our stress with some simple relaxation techniques to limit its effects on us.

Many people function in high stress environments and live long and healthy lives, so what separates them? They’ve learnt to manage their stress. It’s so important to balance our stresses in life with our recovery from them, otherwise it has a negative effect on our health both mentally and physically. In my former profession as a doctor we were exposed to massive amounts of stress from patient care, deaths and even to exams and one of the things you learn very quickly is how to handle that stress and more importantly how to make the stress work for you.

To clarify the statistic above you are 40% more likely to die if you have experienced a high level of stress in the last 12 months compared with someone who has experienced low levels of stress, but that is only the case if you perceive that stress will have a negative effect on your body. If you believe that stress will have a positive effect then you are no more likely to die than someone who has experienced low levels of stress. Changing how you think about stress is absolutely life saving.

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Prescription Hypnosis

Prescription Hypnosis

Park Lane, Blackburn, Lancashire, BB6 7RF


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