
Hyndburn HR Consultants NORI HR & Employment Law add to their list of business accolades.


NORI HR won the top award in the ‘New Business of the Year’ category at the HBA.

The Hyndburn Business Awards (HBA) are organised on a not-for-profit basis to showcase the achievements, quality and diversity of local businesses.

HBA organiser, Rob Carder said, “NORI HR were the outstanding entry in the New Business category this year. They appear to have put everything in place that they need to grow a successful, sustainable business with a strong element of community spirit in their ethos.”

Due to COVID-19 restrictions, the awards were presented in a recorded Facebook LIVE show on Tuesday, 17th November to a large audience that interacted throughout the event.

The theme of the New Business of the Year award centred on the development of an impressive new business that has supported other businesses through the pandemic and demonstrated community support values.

Category Judge and Network Consultant, Dawn Roberts congratulated NORI HR, “Well done NORI HR. Your entry was outstanding. A pleasure to read. I loved the ethics of your charitable stance and how you have helped many businesses throughout the pandemic. Keep up the fabulous work!”

NORI HR Director, Amrita Govindji-Bruce, said, “To win such an award locally is hugely important to NORI HR. In this difficult year, we’re particularly proud to be recognised for our work in supporting other local businesses and our community values”. 

“The pandemic has hit local businesses very hard, and to be acknowledged for offering professional guidance and help at such a worrying time is a great accomplishment for us.”

Multiple Awards 

This latest award makes NORI HR & Employment Law a multi-awarding winning business in its first sixteen months year.

In July, NORI HR were awarded 'Most Trusted HR & Employment Law which reflected their achievements, growth and reputation. Local and national press, industry journals, client recommendations, press releases and other resources are scrutinised over the year to arrive at the shortlist of potential recipients, deserving of recognition.

To find out more about NORI HR & Employment Law, call 01254 947829 or visit

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NORI HR & Employment Law

NORI HR & Employment Law

Blackburn Road, Lancashire, Accrington, Lancashire

01254 947829

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