
How Cyber Secure is your business?


Cybercrime affects more and more organisations every year, with criminals looking to steal your most valuable business assets from sensitive data to finances.

An estimated 2 in 5 SMEs in the UK have been targeted within the last 12 months by Cybercriminals with an average mitigation cost of £3000.

One of the weakest links to any business is its workforce as only a single click or mistake could enable cybercriminals to drastically affect your organisation. This means that you and your employees play a crucial role in protecting your company. The ability to identify and stop cyberattacks will significantly reduce the risk of a breach.

To achieve this, you and staff need to be educated. But most importantly their behaviour around cybercrime needs to change. Virtually all organisations lack the time or expertise to deliver effective, real life, targeted security awareness training and testing services that make a meaningful difference.

To help you become Cyber Secure, The IT Dept in conjunction with Cyber Security experts Cybione would like to invite you to our Cyber Security Workshop. 

This will take place on 29th March at our offices in Leyland and will cover everything your business needs to know to become Cyber Secure.

Published by
The IT Dept

The IT Dept

Golden Hill Lane, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2YJ

01257 429216

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