
Good Business Charter accreditation


We are pleased to announce that Ad-Options Limited of Leyland, have been accredited at the Good Business Charter.

What is the Charter?

The Good Business Charter is an accreditation process which organisations in the UK can sign up to in recognition of good business practices.

The charter measures behaviour over 10 key components: real living wage, fairer hours and contracts, employee well-being, employee representation, diversity and inclusion, environmental responsibility, paying fair tax, commitment to customers, ethical sourcing, and prompt payment of debts.

A qualifying organisation must meet all ten commitments to receive GBC accreditation. Open to the private sector, public sector and charities of all sizes including a simplified version for organisations with 50 employees or less.

The standards we work to

We pay our directly employed and regularly contracted staff the real living wage as defined by the Living Wage Foundation (as of 01 April 2022, this is £9.90 per hour outside of London, and £11.05 inside London)

We only offer or use zero or minimal hours contracts when it is mutually beneficial and accepted by both ourselves and the employee.

We actively support and encourage employee well-being treating those with legitimate sickness in a fair and respectful manner and promote access to impartial support and advice for employees with physical and mental health needs (this can include signposting to NHS services or charities).

Every employee can make suggestions or raise issues with senior management. We recognise and permit trade union membership and regular engagement.

We encourage diversity at key stages of recruitment, selection and retention of employees.  We have robust measures in place (zero tolerance) to prevent harassment or victimisation in the workplace with access to independent third-party support if necessary (ACAS and other independent arbitration services).

We encourage the development of good environmental and net zero practice as an organisation and by our employees, suppliers and customers, seeking to minimise our impact and commit to improve it.

We promptly pay our taxes where applicable, only use tax allowances for the purpose intended, and we are transparent in our relationship with HMRC, providing all relevant information and to cooperate in resolving any disputes.

We have a clear commitment to customers and prioritise addressing and learning from customer feedback, seeking to put negative issues right as quickly as possible.

We commit to ethical sourcing of anything we purchase – such as by applying standards set out in the Ethical Trading Initiative Base Code where relevant.

We are committed to paying your suppliers promptly, and within at least 30 days.

More Information

If you think your organisation can meet these ethical standards you can find out more about the benefits of Good Business Charter accreditation here.

Stephen Ward, Managing Director

22nd November 2022

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Golden Hill Lane, Leyland, Lancashire, PR25 2YJ

01772 429111

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