
Given the choice, which would you go for?


Running a business alone is tough, isn't it? Especially when you don't have systems and processes in place.

Early this year, Andy Henderson recommended me to someone who had come to him for help with his business.

He was super stressed and extremely disorganised. (The client, not Andy) He was genuinely struggling to manage everything he felt HE needed to do within his business. He couldn't let anything go.

As with all my potential clients, I visited him on site to see how I could help, get a feel for how he worked.

His office was chaos, piles of paper on his desk, timesheets, payslips and invoices literally all over the place. He didn't even know how many members of staff he had. Absolutely no systems in place at all.

No wonder he was losing sleep, and literally on the verge of a breakdown; I could hear the panic in his voice when we had phone conversations, he had so much to do - TOO MUCH TO DO.

At that point he had a choice.

Carry on as he was, extremely stressed and make himself more ill, or invest in business support which would get him organised and do the paperwork so he could concentrate on building his business.

He chose to invest in Quality Time PA Services.

We agreed to work together and the following Monday I attended his office to set up a system and start the process of getting him organised so he could reduce his stress levels and shut his brain up a bit.

He soon grew to love the support, knowing I was there on the end of the phone to create processes, complete documents, book accommodation, sort timesheets, fleet insurance, manage his Indeed account, I met with his HR company sorting employment contracts, and introduced him to reliable IT support, liaising with them to sort his IT problems and more.

He had someone on his team to do all the things he simply hated and didn't have time or skills to do. He wasn't spinning so many plates anymore.

I often got little messages, 'thanks for today', which meant a lot, because I knew I had made a big difference to him that day.

Which would you choose? 


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Quality Time PA Services

Quality Time PA Services

Newchurch, Rossendale, Lancashire, BB4 7UD

07866 888 935

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