
East Lancashire cleaning business doubles turnover


A Colne-based cleaning business has doubled turnover and grown its team by 80 per cent after receiving growth mentoring support through Boost – Lancashire’s Business Growth Hub.

Unique Clean, Hire & Facilities has now gone nationwide with clients including Airbus, Sir Robert McAlpine, Eric Wright, boohoo, Boundary Mill and David Lloyd Clubs.

The business was founded in 2010 by Glenn Stock who started out cleaning windows around Colne and Nelson.

Glenn was introduced to Boost Growth Mentoring by Orvia who delivered the programme. Glenn had been a previous client when he originally set up the business.

Since receiving mentoring support, which began in February 2017, Unique Clean, Hire & Facilities has increased its team from 10 to 48 people, and doubled turnover to more than £1.2million. The business now operates as part of the Unique Group, set up by Glenn to manage the growth of cleaning and related services. 

Boost is Lancashire's Business Growth Hub and is led by the Lancashire LEP (Local Enterprise Partnership) and Lancashire County Council and supported by funding from the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

At the initial diagnostic meeting with an advisor from Orvia it was identified that his business was growing very rapidly and he needed professional mentoring support to streamline internal processes and prepare a strategic plan to ensure the growth was sustainable. 

Mentor David Grant, who has a wealth of experience in strategic business planning was matched with Glenn and commented “He was so busy doing everything, Glenn had little time to actually work on the business. Through careful mentoring I was able to encourage him to spread responsibility across his team, allowing him more time to take stock and think about the growth of the business in a more strategic way, and to also free up time for other important things in life, like family and friends.”

Glenn said: “After receiving the mentoring support, and reviewing staffing structures and job roles, the business can now grow in a more manageable way. By delegating operational activities to managers and team leaders, I can focus on developing new business and expanding our services to existing customers.

It is anticipated that growth for the Unique Group over the next year will see a further 15 members of staff and a 25 per cent increase in turnover.

Glenn said: “There’s no doubt the valuable advice I received from David through the Boost Growth Mentoring service has been integral to the growth of the business. I am now in talks with one of my key customers to secure a 24/7 cleaning contract across their UK locations, as well as delivering more specialist cleaning services on a regular basis”.

Boost has received £3.65m of funding from the England European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) as part of the European Structural and Investment Funds Growth Programme 2014-2020. The Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government is the Managing Authority for ERDF. Established by the European Union, ERDF funds help local areas stimulate their economic development by investing in projects which will support innovation, businesses, create jobs and local community regenerations.  For more information visit

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Boost; Lancashire's Business Growth Hub

Boost; Lancashire's Business Growth Hub

Fishergate, Preston, Lancashire, PR1

0800 488 0057

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