


Warrington based Clarity Procurement Solutions, who provide specialist bid management and procurement services to businesses across the UK have partnered with GB Shared, sponsoring the tender pages of three of their county wide sharing platforms.

GB Shared launched their first sharing platform Lancashare in 2016 and have gone from strength to strength in recent years, now spanning most of the North West. The multi award winning Northern Powerhouse partners create platforms that are central to each county, are 100% business led in content, that work to share or collaborate for positive local impact to create ‘empathy economies’. GB Shared are embarking on their national journey of a share site in every UK county.

Founder Lisa Edge said, ‘we’re delighted to have partnered with Clarity Procurement Solutions. The team are extremely experienced and knowledgeable and fully understand the challenges business face when it comes to local procurement or winning contracts.

The UK government set their own local spend targets for authorities across the UK, a target of 33% of their spend with local SMEs by 2022. That time is almost here, but local spend against the targets set, is far from hitting the levels set out. Clarity Procurement Solutions have been instrumental in helping us get local, weekly ‘tender alerts’ into the inbox of local businesses.

Moreover, Clarity Procurement Solutions don’t just provide the tender opportunity but the vital wraparound services needed for businesses to source, understand and write winning applications.

Our members not only receive tender notifications but access free elements of support from Clarity Procurement, free bid writing workshops and a pre-qualification check to ascertain their suitability or chances of winning before they waste time or money applying. We’ve had some amazing local wins for businesses who’ve never tendered before. All that keeps more money and opportunity in our county and stimulates the local economy, often creating jobs and reducing carbon footprint!’

Clarity Procurement Solutions founder, Nathan Liptrot said, “We are delighted and proud to support businesses across the North West with winning more local spend, our sponsorship of Lancashare, Mancheshare and Cumbriashare will help us reach more businesses across the North West who need support in accessing public tenders, strengthening their pipeline and income levels. Quite often we find that a local business is geared up to deliver contracts, though thought the process was too difficult. We guide them on that journey to increased profits.”

Lisa added ‘it’s not just about getting the tenders into their inbox, it’s the wraparound services we have which aid the process. For example, winning contracts often means evidencing your local spend, creating local supply chains, recruiting locally and much more, our share platforms give members a solution to all this and more, it’s all about sharing!

What could winning a tender do for your business?

For more information contact:

Lisa Edge,


Nathan Liptrot,

Published by
Lancashare !

Lancashare !

Church Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3BY

01772 921643

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