
Can Email Marketing Boost Your Organic Traffic?


Forgotten Strategy

As a forgotten strategy that tends to take a backseat in favour of alternative approaches like SEO and PPC, it may be time to blow away the cobwebs and welcome email marketing back into the limelight. After all, sending emails and developing a one-to-one relationship with both existing customers and prospects is an important part of any business - whether it could have an impact on your organic traffic or not. Read on as the OwlTree team explains everything there is to know about email marketing...

In a nutshell, email marketing is a simple way to stay in contact with your clientele to ensure that they remain aware of your products and services. In most circumstances, you can do this by encouraging website visitors to sign up for an email ‘newsletter’ that may be delivered on a weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis and contain important information like company updates, sales or discounts and general chit-chat.

As the name suggests, email marketing should be approached like any other marketing method with a clear and concise strategy in mind and, ideally, an experienced copywriting team at play. After all, the content that an email contains should always be original, relevant and coherent enough for the recipient to understand. The most common aim of email marketing is to send the reader back to your website through the use of a carefully selected keyword embedded into the content, and this creates what is known as direct traffic - website visitors that find their way to your site from other websites, social media, emails or simply by typing the URL into the search engine.

Direct or Organic

It is important that you understand the difference between direct and organic traffic when considering an email marketing campaign as it is impossible to directly impact the rank of a website in the SERPs this way. With this said, email marketing can help increase the amount of high-quality direct traffic to your site so long as it is done so correctly, and this will ultimately increase your chances of ranking well because traffic in all its forms is viewed favourably by the search engine.

The biggest mistake that you can make within email marketing is failing to prepare as your readers will be able to spot a last-minute newsletter or poorly designed advertisement by a mile. Web development works hand-in-hand with marketing efforts like email marketing as you are more likely to turn traffic into conversions with a website that is designed for a specific function.

To find out more about web design Bolton and email marketing, get in contact with the OwlTree team today!

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OwlTree Web Solutions Ltd

OwlTree Web Solutions Ltd

72 Deakins Mill Way, Bolton, Greater Manchester, BL7 9YT

01204 326280

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