
Bid writers ensure flow of tenders for Lancashare members!


Lancashare are delighted to announce that local business Clarity Procurement have taken sponsorship of the sharing sites’ tender pages.  The new Lancashare tender page sponsors, Clarity Procurement, are bid management & procurement specialist consultants, that help their customers to improve profitability, reduce risk and operate more efficiently through procurement improvements or increasing their chances of winning public sector contracts.

“Linking up with Lancashare on a more strategic level has huge benefits”, said Clarity Procurement’s Director, Nathan Liptrot.  He continued, “Every day we see just how many tender opportunities are published from the public sector, providing massive opportunities for local businesses.  However, there are barriers too, from identifying these tender opportunities, having the skills to write the bids, utilising public sector terminology and writing within the word and time constraints. These barriers can make it difficult for smaller businesses to win public sector contracts.  We hope that in ‘sharing’ these opportunities and our expertise via Lancashare, we will be able to help more Lancashire businesses win more local public sector contracts."

Lisa Edge, Director & Founder of Lancashare said, “Clarity Procurement are a perfect fit as our tender page sponsors.  Not only are they experienced bid writers with great pass rates and a fabulous reputation, but they really want to help local businesses prosper which is in line with our mission of sharing across the county.  Not only will they sponsor our tender pages; the experienced team has run successful bid writing workshops in Lancashire, free for members, to help them develop their own in-house skills to improve their future success chances when it comes to winning public sector contracts.  The feedback businesses gave from these events highlights the pressing need for government to engage ever more closely with local businesses, particularly with regards to helping them access, and win, more of those all-important contracts. 

Lancashare was launched 3 years ago and has the continued support of hundreds of local businesses.  Its aim, is to centralise all the counties resources on one single platform helping local people and businesses, find what they need in Lancashire, in one place.  Since inception, Lancashare members have collectively helped to reduce carbon footprint, unemployment, embed social values, keep more business within the county and are helping to make Lancashire the most collaborative county it can be.   The innovative platform, tracks and measures all its activity for members, ensuring they can see their return from membership.   The sharing has spread too, with the sharing platform now also live in Manchester and Cumbria (Mancheshare & Cumbriashare) with more counties in demand.  Since its launch on Lancashire Day 2016, Lancashare has received 11 award nominations and was officially approved as Northern Powerhouse Partners (for all its northern county sites) in 2017. 

As well as allowing businesses to ‘tender’ or post purchasing requests, to encourage a local supply chain, public sector tenders are now a regular feature thanks to Clarity Procurement – in a 3 month trial the site shared over £200m of public sector opportunities across the county, helping local businesses access those all-important opportunities.

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Lancashare !

Lancashare !

Church Street, Preston, Lancashire, PR1 3BY

01772 921643

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