
Bespoke support at your finger-tips


When speaking to business owners recently, we are noticing that there are a real mix of emotions that are changing daily. Positivity is definitely striking through, yet there is also a wide spectrum including worry, confusion and anxiety about the situation for their families and friends, staff, and their business as a whole.

At Pink Spaghetti PA Services, we have always worked to support small and medium sized businesses to offer a bespoke service, which is now more important than ever.  Therefore, I wanted to share some of the ways that businesses are making use of our service in these unusual times:

It’s good to talk – we work with so many companies that we learn and implement best ways of working and good practice in various industries.  Yes, business may have changed at the moment, but some key principles still remain, and we are happy to chat through bespoke situations and offer our knowledge and expertise.

Furloughed staff – some companies have had to furlough staff and are dealing with all the unease that comes with that process.  Worries are creeping in about how to complete a few of the important tasks that a staff member used to undertake?  This is an example of where Pink Spaghetti have offered support.  As you can pay for our services by the hour, we work on those important tasks without companies having to sign-up to contracted terms.  If a company would like an hour of us chasing outstanding invoices, or creating and sending that newsletter, or making phone calls to check-in with their customers, then that is what we are here to do – help keep businesses running.

Stay visible – marketing the company is just as important now as it has always been, and businesses need to have their pipeline full of leads and potential work, just as they need current work.  Stopping your presence at networking, or not promoting the services via social media, won’t help your company.  We are here to chat through ideas that companies can do themselves or they can outsource to us, should it be a skill that they don’t have/want to do.

Work on the business – many business owners are actually having some time to look at their own business model and making things happen that have been on their to-do list for a long time.  Outsourcing a task can be life-changing for an owner, especially if it was one that they have been procrastinating about for a long time.  There is no need to panic. Simply divide the tasks up into 3 categories:

  1. Repetitive tasks
  2. Tasks I don’t know how to do
  3. Tasks I don’t want to do

Now work through the list and consider whether it has to be you as a business owner who carries out that task.  In most cases the answer is no.  If you aren’t sure how you could hand over the job, contact us to chat through ways of remote working.  This allows you to concentrate on selected tasks, rather than trying to multitask and not achieving much.

Too busy - alternatively, we have several companies that are overwhelmed at present, simply because their product or service is in demand.  For business owners that are experiencing this increase we can also offer ongoing consistent support to suit the business needs.  Therefore, don’t struggle by, being worried about how to meet demand without the need for a full new member of staff. We carry out continuous provision across many industries.

We have always been a source of support to other businesses, but you need to get in touch now more than ever if you are worried about completing business tasks in the current situation.  Whether it be administration, social media, research projects or many other duties within your business. It costs nothing to talk and we may be able to offer a solution to your situation.

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Pink Spaghetti Preston

Pink Spaghetti Preston

Chorley, Lancashire

07717 315088

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