
Bergerode Consulting becomes a CAA ASSURE Cyber Supplier

Bergerode Consulting has become a Cyber Supplier for the Civilian Aviation Authority’s ASSURE scheme. The ASSURE cyber security scheme is aimed at UK airports, air carriers and air navigation service providers, and allows them to manage cyber security risks without having to worry about compromising aviation safety, security or resilience whilst remaining compliant with applicable regulations. Bergerode Consulting has become one of the first Cyber Suppliers accredited via the IASME Consortium Ltd for the ASSURE scheme. The ASSURE Scheme forms part of CAP1753, this aims to enables aviation to manage its cyber security risks without compromising aviation safety, security or resilience. UK airports, air carriers and air navigation service providers are currently in scope.

Kevin Crichton, Bergerode's CEO, said: "We're very proud and excited to become a Cyber Supplier for the ASSURE scheme and look forward to working with clients on this. Cyber security within the aviation sector is crucial, not only for airports and carriers, but also crucially with their service providers within the aviation supply chain. The increasing interconnectedness of systems means that cyber security threats such as ransomware impact not just the company affected, but can affect its suppliers and its customers, and will have impacts such as delayed or cancelled flights with the obvious disruption that this will cause to passengers. The aviation sector is a crucial part of the UK’s economy, moving not only passengers and freight, so it’s crucial that companies in the civilian aviation sector takes proactive steps to remain cyber resilient, not only for their own sake, but also for the continued security of the aviation sector, but ultimately the UK’s supply chain.”
