
27andahalf launch the MMA - Month of Massive Action


Over the past few months I’ve been doing something called MMA. No, it's not some kind of combat sport - It's a ‘Month of Massive Action’. A simple concept but my goodness it is powerful.

I've made considerable improvements to my business by improving my website in March, creating an online school in April and getting miles better at online marketing in May.  I'm excited for June already! I reckon if I keep it up, 12 massive steps forward will make for a really good year. 

It's making such a big difference to me that I need to share it with you, so I'm inviting you to join me at mid-day next Wednesday for less than half an hour, for a free webinar so I can show you what it's all about.  It will also be a good chance to meet some more people from the Lancashare community!

If you'd like to join me, here's the link:

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27andahalf*- Time Habits

27andahalf*- Time Habits


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