
Working hard in Cumbria to try and get more financial support for SMEs

We are deeply concerned about the plight of the smaller businesses across the UK including the c. 3m self-employed directors of limited companies, who are not eligible for the government’s existing grants, and have therefore been excluded from the financial support measures thus far during COVID-19. 

And this is one of the reasons that we are working ‘behind the scenes’ to try and influence the government to look at introducing more support for SMEs.

To provide some practical input to support the government and to try and help the ‘excluded’ to get support, the UK200Group, of which Cartmell Shepherd are proud members of, produced a document outlining a practical and fair set of measures for the government’s consideration. We call this the Business Owners Support Scheme (BOSS).

News in recent days suggests that the government is considering additional support. Clearly this news is very welcome but no guarantee that additional support will be forthcoming.

Sam Lyon our Head of Corporate and Commercial, comments:

“We welcome the news that the government is listening to us and other recognised bodies that work closely with small businesses and looking at how they can introduce financial support for those currently excluded.  Clearly any additional support is welcome, but it is imperative that the government adopt an approach that is both fair and practical and seeks to ‘level the playing field’ for all small business owners.

The self-employed and small businesses make up the vast majority of all employment in the UK, and we are keen to help the government to tackle the logistical obstacles that prevent them from supporting everyone equally.

Ever focused on how we can help, we have written to other local business groups and local MPs, to try and get the government to look at extending support along the lines of our proposed schemes.”

e urge all small businesses owners to focus on the practical things they can and should be doing right now. To help, we have produced a handy and practical checklist of The 5 Key things that SMEs should do in January. You can download a copy of the checklist here

Here For You

These continue to be challenging times. We want you to know that we are here, ready and able to help.

For more information about the issues raised in this article or any aspect of company law please contact Sam Lyon, Head of Corporate and Commercial, at or 01228 516634.