
What do you really need in 2023?

With the end of the year approaching, we inevitably look at our journey through 2022, acknowledging what has, or has not, gone well. We should especially use this time to acknowledge and celebrate our successes, something businesspeople are often not good at. We also need to reflect on 2023 and use that to understand the difference between two questions. What do I want? And what do I need?

If you live in a rural area, you may need a car. You may want a Porsche, but resources, country lanes and petrol costs may say that you need something small and economical. What we want and what we need are not always the same thing and putting “want” ahead of “need” can be one of the limiting factors to our success in the new year. At the end of the last few years there has been a temptation to wipe the slate clean, if possible, and not take anything forward with us into the new year.

When did you last ask yourself the question, “what do I need?” Using the opportunity of the end of the year to review our successes and celebrate our achievements will help us to understand what we need in 2023, to achieve our vision for the business, but also to bring us personal fulfilment and growth. Looking at next year with fresh optimistic eyes, counting your blessings, and appreciating your successes will help open you up to the difference between what you want, and what you need. For me there are no failures, only outcomes we had not looked for. So, taking the less positive aspects of 2022, and using them to understand the beliefs, fears, or lack of vision that led you to those unintended outcomes to build more positive outcomes from 2023.

As business owners we need to make empowered choices about where we spend our time, energy, and money to allow us to be free to live a fulfilled life, with peace of mind and greater happiness. For over 25 years I have helped business owners and manager overcome the barriers to their success using a powerful combination of counselling, business coaching, mentoring and spiritual coaching. My clients achieve outcomes such as building a strategic support network, increased confidence, onboarding higher-value clients, and business growth. Get in touch to learn more about how I can help bring you the freedom to choose the life they want and deserve. In the meantime, I hope you have a great festive season and a fulfilling and prosperous 2023.
