
The latest social media platform to take the world (well, at least the world of iPhone users) by storm is Clubhouse.

The audio-based social networking app has grown to 10 million users – gaining significant momentum in the last three months when users grew by 8 million.

But what is Clubhouse all about, and how can it help you grow your business? The ATTAIN social media team gives you the lowdown:

What’s it all about?
Imagine attending an event that is themed on a topic that really interests you. The event would feature key speakers, and the room would be packed full of like-minded people who are interested in the topic and who have questions to ask and experiences to share.

Well, Clubhouse creates this environment online – but only by offering users (known as ‘members’) the opportunity to engage with a ‘room’ via audio. This means you can listen to what’s being discussed and you can raise your hand to be invited to ‘the stage’ to ask a question or share your experiences. You can hop in and hop out of any room at any time – no bookings, no reservations.

Each member has a profile page and a profile picture, so you can follow other Clubhouse members and they can follow you – but there are no features that allow you to directly contact members. To do that, you either chat to them within a ‘room’ or you use their other social media accounts, which are usually listed on a members’ profile, to start a conversation with them.

You can find and follow people and topics that interest you- from marketing to climate change – so that you can start adding Clubhouse rooms that interest you to your calendar reminders.

Why should I bother?
As a time-limited business owner, you may be wondering; “Do I really need to spend time on ANOTHER social media platform?”

It’s a valid question- and the answer applies to all of your social media marketing decisions. If Clubhouse can help you to grow your pipeline of sales and build new partnerships, then why wouldn’t you give it a go?

If you’re used to networking in real life as part of your business development activity, then Clubhouse provides you with an opportunity to replicate that networking experience in a way that no other social media platform can. It will enable you to meet with people you have never met before, with whom you are likely to have things in common as you connect with people who join the same themed ‘rooms’ as you.

Aside from business development, you may find the supportive and educational rooms useful for professional development. For example, it is likely that your specific sector will have themed rooms where sector leaders can discuss key topics, or you can hop into a room that supports business owners who share similar challenges, for example balancing parenting with work or adapting your business during the pandemic.

How do I join Clubhouse?
One of the secrets to Clubhouse’s success to date is its perceived exclusivity. You cannot download the app without receiving an invitation to join Clubhouse – giving the platform an ‘invite-only’ access that no other major social media platform has. Once signed up, you will be sent invitations that you can share with colleagues and friends.

Another major barrier that prevents many people from joining Clubhouse, is that it is only available on IPhones. There are rumours that the app will be developed for Android users- but for now, they will have to wait!

Are you wanting to get to grips with your social media presence? Speak to our team for a free review of your social media marketing.
