
The 4 Key Things Businesses should do in January ...

It’s the start of a new year and with the new year comes opportunity as well as challenges.  Two years on from the onset of the pandemic, we still find ourselves dealing with some restrictions. Arguably we are getting used to the different measures that have been and continue to be introduced and not having all our usual ‘freedoms’.

But as business owners and managers it can be overwhelming to keep on top of the key things that we need to be doing. 

The UK200Group, of which we are proud members of have produced a handy and practical checklist of The 4 Key things that Businesses should do in January

Covering 4-key areas, this short checklist provides practical pointers for SMEs to focus on in January. The key areas are:

  • People: Look after your people.
  • Customers: Write to, or pick up the phone to, your key customers.
  • Cashflow: Update your cashflow forecast.
  • Tax Returns: File your self-assessment tax return and pay any tax due by 31st January.

You can download your copy of the checklist HERE

Always At Your Side

These continue to be challenging times and we want you to know that we are here, ready and able to help.

If you are looking for guidance and advice that is specific to your business and circumstances, please contact Sam Lyon Head of Corporate and Commercial on 01228 585716 or click here to send him an email.
