
Prepare for Impact -

Prepare for Impact!!

 I’m passionate about educating people to prepare for impact – be it health or redundancy or anything else that might come your way………

I tell this story because I’m the evidence that everyone needs a Plan

B. Little did I know what was coming my way. Arbonne has indeed

been my saviour.

I’d had a 35 year career in advertising sales — loving my job, climbing

the corporate ladder from telesales on a local newspaper to managing

director of a county lifestyle magazine. Juggling work and family with

my two beautiful daughters, Harriet, 25, and Francesca, 22, life has

always been hectic, and its true to say I have spent my life running at

a 100 mph, never stopping to “smell the flowers.”

With passing years, the constant pressure of targets, internal politics,

working harder than ever, and earning less each year as the economic

climate took a dip, I was becoming disillusioned and started to question

my life as I hurtled towards 50 – telling myself on a regular basis

that I couldn’t possibly continue at this pace and more importantly not

wanting to! But separated from my husband, I had a mortgage and

family to support so I had no choice other than to keep going.

Joanne Gedde

 It was at t this time, I was introduced to Arbonne by the now Executive National

Vice President, Yvonne Dixon. She was warm, funny, intelligent and

professional, and has become one of my closest friends. I listened to

the Arbonne opportunity and decided to jump straight in – what did

I have to lose? I knew I needed to make changes in my life and this

could be the answer.

One of the things that attracted me to Arbonne is that it’s a 39  year

old stable company, profitable in a growing health & wellness industry,

with a green commitment. It’s internet-driven and centred on direct

selling and network marketing.

I embraced all that Arbonne had to offer. Still working my full-time job

but fitting Arbonne into the nooks and crannies. I love the fact that we

have a wide range of consumable products that we are all using on a

daily basis, and the business is about recommending and educating

people on how to purchase pure, safe and beneficial products — what

could be better? I get to build my business with my best friends and

help others realise their dreams.

On my journey I have embraced the personal development, reading,

listening, being inspired, and growing to become the best version of

myself. Time and financial freedom is what I craved, and I found that

having an Arbonne business can give you that opportunity if you are

prepared to commit to the income producing activity. I embraced the

coaching and mentoring from my upline, plugged into the trainings that

helped inspire me to realise my dreams, and more importantly, teach

and inspire others to do the same.

What I love about Arbonne is to be successful, you have to teach and

train others to be successful. In November 2014, my wonderful team

and I reached Region. What a fantastic day that was, and we were now

the evidence that Arbonne really does work.

Onwards and upwards into 2015 to lead from the front to help and

develop more leaders, only to discover that fate was going to throw me

a real curve ball. In March, I was diagnosed with lymphoma — throat

cancer. This was totally out of the blue and a real shock, just proving

you never know what’s around the corner.

I embarked on the gruelling rounds of chemotherapy, enduring the usual

bad reactions, and losing my hair. My grit and determination pushed

me through the worst, although I’m not sure what I would have done

without Arbonne. Mentally Arbonne has been my saviour. So much more

than a business, it’s the people, friendships and support that make this

company incredible and make me proud to be a part of it. In Arbonne,

you are in business for yourself but not by yourself.

One of the things I always tell people is to have a Plan B even when

you don’t need one — you truly never know what’s around the corner.


Live life to the fullest. “Sip it whilst it’s fizzing” is my mantra. I believe you

can have whatever you want if you have a clear vision and are prepared

to learn new skills and grow. You have to see yourself winning before

you win. I’m so excited for my future and the future of my team and the

friends I have and am yet to meet. Bring on the rest of my life!

If you are open minded and would like learn more about the business opportunity please call me on 07854 499438 or email me on

If you would like to have a look at our amazing products you can visit my website :


Joanne Geddes
