
PDCA Consulting celebrates 10 years in business!

When striking out as an independent consultant in 2012, the founder of PDCA Consulting, Chris Ward, had 30 successful years of manufacturing experience across many continents, companies, sectors, and products. All that knowledge and experience has helped dozens of clients to sharpen their cutting edge.

"In 2012 the UK celebrated Her Majesty's Diamond Jubilee and hosted the London Olympic Games. Having emerged from the clutches of the "credit crunch", optimism in business was relatively high, so it wasn't too daunting to launch a small business. Even so, I'm grateful at the time we'd never heard the term Brexit, and few of us had any idea what a corona virus was. Otherwise I probably would have stayed beneath the corporate umbrella and may never have met so many great clients with fantastic businesses.

"The post-referendum "hokey-cokey" parliament of 2017-2019 (In? Out? In? Out?), and the pandemic both conspired to create a long and sustained period of difficult operating conditions for businesses. I'm happy to have weathered those storms and emerge pretty much unscathed with no debt on the books and, even more pleasing, all our past clients appear to be in rude health.

"We've had to adapt as wave after wave of external challenges have presented themselves and it is testimony to our agility that we've been able to ride these waves and forge ahead with a much-more diverse portfolio of services. When the company was founded we had a purely operations focus. Now we cover top line growth with our digital content marketing and bottom line growth with our business process improvement services."

- Chris Ward, Managing Consultant, PDCA Consulting Limied

2020 saw the company develop new services in the digital content marketing space and it now offers high quality video production without the agency price tags. The most-recent innovation sees the consultancy offer web-based harvesting of client video testimonials- again bringing high-volume, authentic, quality content withing the budget range of SMEs.