
Building a sustainable travel business

I had a really interesting chat yesterday with a lovely chap from Eco I North West, University of Cumbria. I'm not doing this because it's Cop 26, and because all the media is full of how we need to be more sustainable. I'm doing this because strangely, even though I run my own travel business, it's something I feel really strongly about.

Having worked tirelessly during the pandemic to keep my business afloat, and clients onboard and informed, now's the time to focus on where I'm taking my business and how I see its future. Travel has to be responsible and it has to be sustainable if the industry is to have any future at all, and I very much want to be part of that. There are many ways of doing this, from thinking about how we travel when we go on holiday, to where we stay on holiday, supporting local community projects, choosing hotels and suppliers more carefully (I do that already) to getting involved in carbon offsetting, conservation projects in destinations worldwide.

This is why my conversation yesterday with Mike was key. Hopefully I'll be working with the University of Cumbria with proper research behind me to be able to contribute financially to the right programme for my business. It might take a few months to get right, but from January 2022 every holiday and business trip that I arrange which contains a flight, I will be making a financial contribution from my profits to the right carbon offsetting programme. I want to do my bit, and make sure we don't ruin this planet for future generations

Watch this space.

