
Booking is now open for the next cohort to join the Growth Catalyst Programme!!!!

 Booking is now open for the next cohort to join my Growth Catalyst Programme!!!!

The programme is online, it starts in June, and includes 5 sessions that will get you ready for mega growth in your business BEFORE THE KIDS BREAK UP FOR THE SUMMER!!!!

We start by setting a very clear direction for the business, and make sure that you are connected to your "why"

Then we get stuck into your financials by making sure that 1. you understand your current financial situation, and 2. we look at different growth strategies from a financial perspective, so we can select the best options for your profits. 

The next bit is to create your 3-year business plan, and your detailed action plan, which will show you exactly how you will execute your strategy.

We tie it all up with a scorecard so that you have metrics to keep you on track.

Attendee's also get exclusive access to purchase a 1:1 coaching plan which is discounted by 60%, as well as tons of free templates to ensure success. 

Previous attendee's have described the programme as:

"full of value, zero filler. Very easy to follow. Not slow, not boring, very engaging"

They said "The overwhelm I often find with all the ideas going around in my head, with no idea how to effectively implement, finally feels manageable. I feel confident that I have strategies to use from now on."

Take time out to focus on where you want to take your business, whats the best strategy to get you there, and HOW you will achieve this!

For more info and to book -
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Box Box Solutions

Box Box Solutions

Arnside, Cumbria, LA5

079779 58848

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